Friday, 10 February 2012

Caution, text wall ahead!

 First off, the general idea I've thought up for in terms of storyline is you are a soldier (character customisable?) in the army of the main empire on their world, other countries are starting to get restless about this and some rebel, using new 'technology' (aka dinomasaurmonsterthingos) to overwhelm this empire's forces.

As you play the game, you can rise up the ranks and choose to either fight fire with fire and create units of your own (with the complication of destroying the world a bit at a time as you sacrifice energy to create them) or chose a harder path and fight with what you already have and try to preserve what you can (lil bit of reflecting on society there, oh my).

Perhaps another element that can be more for the RPG side of the game, would be you play sections outside of the battle where you can wander off to towns either to recruit for your own army, to get upgrades, mini games/side quests, you learn more about what is actually happening outside what is being told to you through your empire, and have a choice to stick with your original allegiances, or defect to stop them.

Rightio, so, if we get the go ahead for the project, I had a few ideas to bulk it out past just having the one trailer. If we've got the time that is...

  • Second trailer, but all about the game play, a small ''scene'' from the game, maybe character interaction, longer version of the stuff seen in the first trailer, mix of the rpg side like your character running about towns and what not, and then the rts side and maybe a small battle in full. 
  • Walkthrough. I know Evan probably didn't mean it literally with a walkthrough, but if we made either a guide book with a run through of a level or two with ''screen shots'' would be pretty cool, also DVD case with propper cover to it and a pamphlet inside with a synopsis of the storyline, main characters/factions, controls etc. 
  • And hell, if we're doing really well, maybe a poster?

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