Monday, 5 March 2012

Sprint Cards

EDITED! Please recheck :D

Right this week we are going to have to start creating some 3D work. Also we really need to have a group meeting, either on skype or at Uni at some point this week, just so we all know where everyone's at cause we couldn't do that in Pollie's sesh today.

I will be working on the environment in Unity and Maya, and getting them textured to a decent standard.

Chris Baldock If you could finish off last week's work for the monster designs that match with the art style by Tuesday, and then your tasks for this week are:
  • 6 hours on Environment pieces good enough for the animation, we're after a variety of terrains, either top down or isographic view. There's no need to worry about the world breaking apart with these for now, just work on snowy levels, maybe also a forest and desert environment
  • 6 hours on Monster pieces good enough for the animation. Think of dinosaur/lizard monsters along the lines of Dale's previous work, I was hoping we might be able to get a few small ''pet'' like dinosaurs that could be added to the 2D sections.

Dale can you work on the 3d assets for the Character models and begin UV mapping them as you go.

Chris Birt if you have the weapons ready can you upload them to the blog  by Tuesday at the latest so we can move on with what you should be working on next, which will be modelling the monsters in 3D and UV mapping. When you get your stuff on the blog we can see which monsters need doing, but for now a good example would be the velociraptor style monster that Dale designed, and possibly the trebuchet dino/monster as well.

Emma: Finalize the storyboard,
  • 7 hours on environments (pub, garrisson, maybe town shot) and characters good enough for the 2D animated section. 
  • 5 hours helping out with UVW mapping if anyone needs a hand (otherwise, more of the above).

Thanks all


  1. By designing the character models, you mean in photoshop right? Cause making a character model in 3DS Max would be waaaaaaaay above my knowledge!

  2. Sorry for the confusion! Edited the post now, if there's any questions from anyone, don't hesistate to ask :)

  3. Nope this cleared things up perfectly, cheers dude
